We vieren de vrijheid met bitcoin! Sterker nog, volgens Aleks Svetski is het gebruik van bitcoin ieders morele plicht. Beetje zoals het luisteren naar De Bitcoin Show elke week!
Bitcoin Taproot upgrade has started its speedy trial https://www.coindesk.com/bitcoin-taproot-activation-begun-miners-3-months-onboard
Announcing Blockstream Satellite 2.0 https://blockstream.com/2020/05/04/en-announcing-blockstream-satellite-2/
Revolut will allow Bitcoin withdrawals https://bitcoinmagazine.com/business/revolut-to-allow-bitcoin-withdrawals
Fiat, facism, and communism https://svetski.medium.com/fiat-fascism-and-communism-d185e66733b
Government transfer payments over 5 trillion in 2021 https://twitter.com/GeorgeGammon/status/1389606201911037958/photo/1
Bittr is back! https://getbittr.com/
Launch of opensats https://opensats.org/
- De Nederlandse vertaling van De Bitcoin Standaard (Boris)
- Het Kleine Bitcoin boekje van o.a. Jimmy Song.
Bestel met 10% korting op https://konsensus.network/?ref=45...
met kortingscode: GKBORIS
Mastering Bitcoin (Jan) https://pdfstop.com/mastering-bitcoin......
Grokking Bitcoin 35% korting met code: poddebit21
Op https://www.manning.com/
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