Het wordt warm! Wij gaan toch de studio in voor een nieuwe episode van de Bitcoin Show. Oh en BTW...De Volgende Meetup gaat op het strand zijn...
Venezuela accepteert Bitcoin https://twitter.com/Xentagz/status/1275715348050980865?s=20
OkCoin, BitMEX grant $150,000 to Core developer Amiti Uttarwar Peter Chawaga (June 18, 2020) https://bitcoinmagazine.com/articles/okcoin-bitmex-operator-grant-150000-to-core-developer-amiti-uttarwar
Blacklisted by PayPal, scientific paper pirate takes Bitcoin donations Anna Baydakova (June 22, 2020) https://www.coindesk.com/blackballed-by-paypal-scientific-paper-pirate-takes-bitcoin-donations
PayPal, Venmo to Roll Out Cryptocurrency Buying and Selling, according to sources Ian Allison (June 22, 2020) https://www.coindesk.com/paypal-venmo-to-roll-out-crypto-buying-and-selling
How I checked over 1 trillion mnemonics in 30 hours to win a bitcoin John Cantrell (June 18, 2020) https://medium.com/@johncantrell97/how-i-checked-over-1-trillion-mnemonics-in-30-hours-to-win-a-bitcoin-635fe051a752
Day traders might have fun saving Hertz from bankruptcy Matt Levine (June 12, 2020) https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2020-06-12/if-you-want-hertz-have-some-hertz
Robin Hood’s sad, sad story Chris Skinner (June 19, 2020) https://thefinanser.com/2020/06/robinhoods-sad-story-sorry.html/
Hoe bankiers met Orwelliaanse taal hun macht over ons geld verhullen Thomas Bollen https://www.ftm.nl/artikelen/orwelliaanse-taal-bankiers-macht
Voor 90 miljoen USD beslag gelegd op vermogen van Alexander Vinnik Robin Heester (June 23, 2020) https://bitcoinmagazine.nl/2020/06/politie-bitcoin-witwassen-nieuw-zeeland/
Lily Wallet beta is out! http://lily.kevinmulcrone.com/
Tweet over Lily Wallet https://twitter.com/KayBeSee/status/1275456140306837507?s=20
#Bitcoin #BTC #FinanceE[